Our staff are not only the firm’s most important capital, but above all are the source of its competitiveness. Therefore one of Warbud’s priorities is to support the development of our employees by means of a carefully chosen, modern personnel policy.
To ensure professional management of our human resources, we implement HR management systems based on competences. We pay attention to what knowledge, abilities and motivation an employee or potential candidate for a given post ought to have. Based on that system we run recruitment processes and annual development sessions in which we together set new goals and challenges. Their achievement will raise our competence level and thus give us a chance for promotion and professional progress.
With this approach our development is based not only on the valuable experience gained thanks to working in a team of professionals, but is also constantly supported by participation in training cycles and courses. They were tailored to our needs and in compliance with the firm’s strategy. To ensure that our staff are suitably qualified, we subsidize their studies at colleges and universities and also finance their language courses. We are assisted in climbing the succeeding rungs of the career ladder by financing courses and examinations related to obtaining building licences.
We announce with great pleasure that the employee development policy adopted by Warbud SA has resulted in an award of financing under the Human Capital Operational Programme co-funded by the European Social fund for as many as three training projects proposed by our firm in a single competition. This is an unprecedented event in Poland which distinguishes us from other companies which operate not only in the construction industry.
Our efforts resulted in obtaining a positive assessment issued by independent industry experts and confirmed by our staff in an independent survey organised by Management Observatory. Those opinions resulted in our obtaining the “Investor in Human Capital” Emblem. This is the best proof that we are a company friendly to our staff and at the same one of the most attractive employers in the Polish building sector.