
Warbud News


  • 2024-07-01
    Work on the construction site of Skyliner II - the second phase of an office complex owned by Karimpol Polska - is progressing dynamically at Daszyńskiego Roundabout in Warsaw. Since February this year a team of engineers and builders have been working intensively to create solid foundations for the future skyscraper. The main contractor for the development project - the company WARBUD SA - is responsible for all the works.
  • 2024-06-26

    Warbud has received one of the most valued distinctions in the area of Human Resources and employer branding. The jury of the Friendly Workplace Award honoured our company for among others creating a diverse work environment, paying exceptional attention to the professional development of employees and for its concern for occupational safety.

  • 2024-06-21

    Several dozen Warbud SA construction sites, hundreds of production workers and construction staff were focussing on one goal: the highest standard of work safety on construction sites - this is the image of this year's VINCI Safety Days and the Safety Week of the Agreement on Construction Safety which once again enriched us with knowledge, skills, the ability and courage to act - or to say STOP when necessary.

  • 2024-06-19

    The building tradition requires ceremonial celebrations of individual stages of the construction process. To fulfil this tradition, on June 14, 2024 at 09.00, a ceremony of laying the cornerstone and a time capsule took place to commemorate the construction of Science, Teaching and Cadaver Exercises Centre of Prof. Adam Gruca Independent Public Clinical Hospital CMKP in Otwock. Its Foundation Act was read in the presence of the gathered guests, signed and placed in a time capsule, and then embedded in a specially prepared pedestal.

  • 2024-06-13

    On June 6, 2024, Warbud signed a contract for the construction of Silesian Centre for Paediatric Oncology and Haematology with a connector. The contract will be implemented as a design and build project in a consortium with the company Meritum GB.

  • 2024-06-04

    In mid-May 2024, a premiere of the fourth book from the JedzOnko series took place at the "Pracownia Smaku" by Jolanta Kleser in Katowice - this time the title is "JedzOnko for immunity". The series of guides focussing on nutritional education of children with oncological diseases is an original idea of the ISKIERKA Foundation, supported by the Foundation "Warbud - Warto Pomagać".

  • 2024-05-24

    On Saturday, 18 May 2024, representatives of Warbud and Eurovia, gathered under the common name of VINCI Construction Polska, took part in the Polish Construction Industry Road Cycling Championships which were organized in the Niepołomice commune. The race, which was at a very high sports level, started at 10.00 in Podłęże. The route ran through the streets of the town and then into the Niepołomice Forest. The men raced over a distance of 85 km and the women covered a distance of 50 km.

    The participants gave their best and the emotions accompanying this event were something indescribable and definitely something to experience! Our families and friends came to cheer our players on and encouraged them to fight!

  • 2024-05-14

    Warbud won the 16th edition of the Top Builder competition. The competition jury awards achievements of all participants of the construction process, i.e. investors, designers, developers, general contractors and solution providers. The results of the competition reflect the dynamics of development and trends in modern construction in Poland. There are more and more innovative, successfully implemented projects which reflect sustainable construction and architecture. Solutions concentrating on intelligent, innovative and energy-saving construction are now dominating the trade.

  • 2024-05-13

    This is the facility in which young doctors will practice their skills on unfixed anatomical tissue preparations, the so-called cadavers, i.e. fragments of the human body, or entire bodies, carrying out trial medical operations in conditions almost identical to those in an operating room. The state-of-the-art public facility of this type in Poland, located within the buildings of prof. Adam Gruca Independent Public Clinical Hospital CMKP, will have 2 underground floors. Its total area will be 5,165 m2, the volume will reach 27,290 m3.

  • 2024-05-10

    Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci (Childrens’ Friends Association) which has been working for the welfare of children for over 100 years, honoured the Warbud Foundation Warto Pomagać with a distinction for helping the Association in the renovation of a specialized center for people with disabilities in Olszanka in Puszcza Mariańska commune.

    On 26 April 2024, the Masovian Branch of TPD officially opened the renovated facility which will provide day care for 25 people and can accommodate 14 people in a hostel.

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