
Warbud News

Builder Exclusive presents new seat of NOSPR in Katowice

We have the pleasure to present to you the latest edition of Builder Exclusive which is entirely devoted to the new seat of National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra NOSPR. The new orchestra seat in Katowice is one of the most exceptional construction projects executed by our firm in its history.  The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra waited for its building which could meet their expectations for nearly 80 years. It was really worth waiting for as classical music in Poland has finally gained a world-class venue.

The publication will give you the following information:

  • that the idea to build the new NOSPR seat came from Krzysztof Penderecki,
  • when Wojciech Kilar took part in the topping-out ceremony on the construction site,
  • the history of the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, its problems with subsequent seats as none of them was in fact a concert venue or a  recording hall.

In the eye of the contractor, designer and investor

In the publication Mr Jerzy Werle, Warbud SA's Chairman and Director General talks about the main features which distinguish Warbud from other contractors and why a mock-up brick facade wall fragment on the NOSPR construction site was made too well. Mr Dariusz Wysocki, Warbud SA Project Manager explains why NOSPR is a 'magic garden'. Mr Grzegorz Strzelczyk, Warbud SA Site Manager shares his experience gained during the execution of that exceptional building.

Mr Tomasz Konior, main designer of the building, tells the readers about his beloved profession and music. Mr Piotr Uszok, long-term Mayor of Katowice reminds us that at a certain time there were serious doubts that the project would be executed at all.

The unique character of the grand concert hall - which is the best concert hall in Poland - is underlined by its wooden claddings. Why was its final shape influenced by Krystian Zimerman? How was it possible that the acoustic designers from world's best specialist company in that field - the Japanese Nagata Acoustics - found time in their fully booked schedules to work on the Katowice project?

Those and other questions are answered in Builder Exclusive.

Enjoy your reading!


Builder Exclusive is a special publication presenting carefully chosen buildings being an inspiration for architects, contractors or investors. The NOSPR issue contains 163 pages and presents numerous photographs of Polish artists and architecture photographers. Warbud is one of the main partners of the edition.


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