
Warbud News

District Court in Nowy Sącz wins a prize in the Competition Construction Project of the Year 2017

Warbud received with a silver statuette for the construction of the District Court in Nowy Sącz. The award ceremony took place in Warsaw on Tuesday, May 26. It was the 28th edition of the competition organised by Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians - PZIiTB. The Jury chose best construction projects of the year 2017 in Poland. The award on behalf of Warbud was received by Mr. Paweł Żółtak, Contract Director at DBS and Mr. Piotr Szewczyk, PPP Specialist at Finance and Administration Division.

Proposed projects undergo an assessment procedure covering the quality of work, organization of the building and financing process and the impact of the project on the environment. Verification lasts for a whole year and consists of three stages.

It is worth adding that since 2005 our facilities have been appreciated and honoured by the jury of the competition and have been winning subsequent "construction Oscars". 

Mr. Artur Soboń, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Investment and Development, who was present at the gala, appreciated the importance of "Construction Project of the Year" by saying:

'I am glad that the winning projects present the most modern solutions. It is worth showing this, I consider the competition to be excellent. I am deeply convinced that construction is a field that will grow and bring us pride. Construction is a priority for the current government.'

Mr. Ryszard Trykosko, Chairman of the Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians, pointed out that 'the Association aims to nurture history and traditions and promote construction-related occupations. Building Oscars are meant to be a prize and an honour for the whole builders' society. The competition brings great satisfaction to our association.'

At the end of the official part Ms. Lidia Markowska, Director of GDDKiA in Wrocław, speaking on behalf of all the winners, expressed her conviction that the winning projects will serve well for future generations.

One of the highlights of the gala was the performance of Justyna Bacz who sang Dalida's songs. 

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