
Warbud News

Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw - Warbud's another art centre contract

The building will be the third cultural centre, in addition to Pan Tadeusz Museum in Wroclaw and Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, to be built by Warbud S.A.

The temporary seat of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw will be a "design and build" project which will be located in the direct vicinity of one of the main Warbud's showcases - Copernicus Science Centre. In less than 7 months a one-storey exhibition pavilion will be built in Captain Stanisław Skibniewski "Cubryna" Square (Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie St.) with a total area of 1 126 m² and cubic volume of 12 364 m³. Warbud will fit the building with a complete internal installations, utility connections, lighting, kitchen facilities, equipment and will carry out landscaping work in the adjacent area. The design conception assumes the use of the elements of the temporary pavilion of the museum of modern art from Berlin designed by the Viennese architect Adolf Krischanitz. The rectangular structure with dimensions of 20 m x 56 m and height of 11 metres is easily adapted to new spatial conditions thanks to its simple modular structure.

The future seat of the Museum of Modern Art will be not only a purely exhibition space but also a meeting spot and a venue for cultural event. Inside the building, in addition to the spacious foyer, there will also be a bookshop, an education, conference and exhibition hall, a cafeteria and office facilities. The building will be an all-year-round structure. According to the contract Warbud will also be responsible for a new landscaping of the adjacent area. The intention of the designers is to make it an interactive zone allowing passers-by to get involved in a direct and easy contact with art. As the new museum building will be situated close to Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw University campus and the Vistula Boulevard, it will be a priority to create a clear and friendly circulation space allowing for unrestricted movement of large groups of people.

Client: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw,  3 Pańska St.

Contract value: PLN 5 644 000.00 (incl. VAT)

Total area: 1 126.00 m²

Usable area: 1 044.89 m²

Cubic volume: 12 364 m³

Number of floors: 1

Scheduled project duration: 37 months from contract conclusion

Date of signing the contract: 29.06.2016

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