
Warbud News

Construction of the seat the District Court in Nowy Sącz in the PPP formula is a model project for local governments

On April 6, 2018, representatives of the District Court in Nowy Sącz received a symbolic key to their new seat. Warbud was the main contractor for the project. It took the company less than two years - exactly 20 months - from the moment of obtaining a building permit to put court building put into use - in 6 months before the contractual date of completion.
The use of 9000 cubic metres of concrete, 600 tons of steel and hard work of Warbud's crew resulted in the completion of Poland's first State Treasury development project implemented in the formula of Public-Private Partnership.

From the left: Director of the District Court - Barbara Sułkowska-Sromek, President of the District Court - Dariusz Rams, President of the District Court - Zbigniew Krupa, Deputy Minister for Investment and Development - Witold Słowik, Deputy Minister of Justice - Łukasz Piebiak, Warbud SA's Management Board Member - Mirosław Józefczuk
‘This was an important test whose intention was to show the government and local governments the sense and effectiveness of using the PPP formula. Our company being the Private Partner provides comprehensive services: design, construction, financing and management. A characteristic feature of the PPP formula is that we build in a way for ourselves. It is our company who is later responsible for the operation of the facility for 20 years, we bear the costs of its renovation or energy consumption. That is why we have designed the building in a thoughtful way and focussed on high quality materials and technologies. From the very beginning we have perceived this project as extremely prestigious and therefore we have delegated our outstanding engineers to implement it,' said Mirosław Józefczuk, Member Warbud SA's Management Board.

Mirosław Józefczuk handed the symbolic key to the President of the District Court

At present all hearings are already carried out in the new premises. There are 18 courtrooms, an impressive hall, 4 floors above ground and 1 underground floor, modern technological solutions, energy efficiency - it is a comfortable workplace for around 220 people. One of the most modern courts in Poland - the District Court in Nowy Sącz - may be proud of such conditions today.
‘ The transfer of the new building to the District Court in Nowy Sącz located at 1 Juliana Smolika St. allowed us to move all departments and branches of the court - previously located in three buildings - to one place. This is a very beneficial solution from the point of view of court management, in particular as regards the management of a team of employees. It is also a great convenience for the clients of the broadly understood justice system. Our clients can now settle all their cases requiring contact with the court in one place,' said Dariusz Rams, President of the District Court in Nowy Sącz.
Today, this project is a model for local governments considering the use of the PPP formula.
‘The key criterion for the evaluation of offers was the price. From the very beginning, architectural and construction solutions had to be optimized in terms of operation costs of the building. PPP is a team work of many specialists - designers, builders, subsequent manager, but also financiers and lawyers. All that is coordinated to provide an optimal product in terms of quality and price,' said Przemysław Szulfer, Deputy Director at Warbud's Finance and Administration Division DAF.
The project was implemented under watchful supervision of many institutions, it focussed the attention of both supporters and opponents of building in the PPP formula.
‘I was very sceptical about it and now I can only congratulate on its completion. I am glad that such a project was implemented in our city,' said Ryszard Nowak, Mayor of Nowy Sącz.
The project with a total value of nearly 125 million PLN is carried out with the substantive support of the Ministry of Investment and Development. On January 1, 2018 the building was put into use and the responsibility was taken over by the company Vinci Facilities Polska which will manage it for 20 years. The State Treasury will repay the investment by the year 2037 in which ownership rights to the building will be transferred to the government.


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