
Warbud News

Warbud awarded with TOP Builder statuette

On April 20, 2022, a TOP Builder awards gala took place at the Olympic Centre in Warsaw. Warbud won in its 14th edition. The award-winning construction projects, services and products - including the Varso Tower completed by Warbud - build top quality urban space.

At the award ceremony, Warbud and the site crew were represented by Grzegorz Strzelczyk, Mariusz Grzegrzółka, Seweryn Bodus, Paweł Okruch, Tomasz Bąbała and Aneta Kokoszka and Kamila Rodzajewska.

The 8-person team of Warbud’s experienced engineers was responsible for the construction of the facility under the supervision of Site Manager Mr. Tomasz Szopa, coordinating the work of over 180 people at the peak time. ‘That was an amazing contract. I took part in it from the very beginning, i.e. from the tender stage. It was full of challenges, interesting from an engineer’s point of view. It's such a dream come true. Everyone has an idea of what they want to achieve in their professional life. Warbud’s award for the erection of the Varso Tower reinforced concrete structure is also a proof that we did not disappoint anyone. And it must be admitted that our investor HB Reavis set the bar high. All in all the height is 310 metres,’ comments Grzegorz Strzelczyk. ‘The method of work allowed us to achieve the pace of five days for a repeating storey, sometimes even four, and the lifts within wind shields could work safely in unfavourable conditions. The tallest office building in the EU simply required many unconventional solutions. Today it adorns Warbud SA’s portfolio, placing Warsaw in the top league of European office development projects.’

Varso Tower is not an ordinary building which is just tall. This is an absolute idea, an architectural vision by Norman Foster, which was commissioned by HB Reavis - the Investor and at the same time the General Contractor for the facility. Warbud SA was responsible for the construction of the reinforced concrete structure of the 310-metre-high skyscraper dominating Warsaw skyline.

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