
Warbud News

Warbud Foundation awarded for its activities for the benefit of abused and harmed children

On May 25, 2023, the Foundation Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę (We Give Strength to Children) celebrated its 32nd anniversary. The event was an opportunity to summarize the activities of the association and to meet the people for whom and with whom the Foundation cooperates - representatives of companies and organizations, among which there were representatives Warbud’s Foundation - Warto Pomagać.

‘We thank you very much for this distinction. It is an honour for us to be able to cooperate with the Foundation Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę. The motto that has been guiding the Warbud Foundation for 15 years - 'It's worth helping', should actually read in the context of your activities as 'You have to help'. This is because all the projects you undertake in order to save traumatized children experiencing physical and psychological violence are valuable, wise and, as you can see from the recent media reports - still so much needed. I wish all DDDS employees and volunteers much perseverance, strength and energy, and so that in the future you will be able to implement projects which will educate people how to raise children in love and respect,’ said Agnieszka Wąsowska, Member of Warbud Foundation’s Management Board, receiving the award from Monika Sajkowska, President of FDDS.

The birthday coincided with the ceremonial opening of the Green Children's Aid Centre in Warsaw's Żoliborz district, which was also possible thanks to the financial support of the Warbud Foundation. The Centre not only meets the highest standards in the field of helping abused children but is also a facility with environmental solutions which help to protect the planet. In place when an old garage was, a bright, cosy pavilion has been built which is used as a space for meetings, trainings and workshops.

What is the mission and origin of FDDS?

32 years ago, Alina Margolis-Edelman and Dr. Irena Kornatowska decided to fight violence against children at a time when no one in Poland dealt with such a problem facing the youngest children. FDDS continues this important mission of helping children and fighting until today for a childhood free of violence. It focuses its activities on protecting children against harm and abuse. The experience of violence has many negative consequences for children - it disturbs their mental, emotional and social development, and the effects of the trauma last for years. That is why it is important to create a place where children can find support.

Joint projects for children:

The cooperation between the Warbud Foundation and FDDS has been continuing since 2016. Thanks to our help, the above-mentioned Green Centre for Helping Children was established, educational workshops were organized for parents entitled "Safe child online", there is a helpline for children and youth 116 111where every effort is made to hear and listen to anyone who calls or texts to that number. Our joint project is also the Digital Youth Forum - a unique event for young people dedicated to the creative and safe use of the Internet. For several years now we have been jointly implementing the Christmas project "Letter from Santa" and the "EKIDEN" run.

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