In mid-May 2024, a premiere of the fourth book from the JedzOnko series took place at the "Pracownia Smaku" by Jolanta Kleser in Katowice - this time the title is "JedzOnko for immunity". The series of guides focussing on nutritional education of children with oncological diseases is an original idea of the ISKIERKA Foundation, supported by the Foundation "Warbud - Warto Pomagać".
The event, combined with culinary workshops, cooking together and tasting, began with a presentation of the guide. Its author, Ms. Katarzyna Stankow, talked about the importance of the body's immunity in disease and how to strengthen it.
Once the words of appreciation, congratulations and applause had subsided, the foundation's beneficiaries tested the recipes from the latest cookbook under the watchful eye of their caregivers and experienced chefs. The dishes were colourful, tasty and filling. Sauerkraut pancakes and oriental-style beetroot pancakes with cheese chips were a real hit.
The promotion of a book supporting nutrition during the difficult period of illness and the recovery process - was definitely a success!
Photo: Latający Kowal/Archive of ISKIERKA Foundation