
Warbud News


'Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Poland, a country with over a thousand years of history, tradition and culture. I am honoured that the first VCIN Convention is taking place right here in Warsaw,' in these words Mr. Jerzy Werle, Chairman of Warbud's Management Board and Director General welcomed the participants of the inaugural plenary session which took place in the Sofitel Victoria hotel.

The Chairman outlined the economic situation for the gathered guests including the situation of the construction sector, real estate market, strategic infrastructure projects of the state and perspectives after the exhaustion of EU funds. Mr Werle also presented the company Warbud to the guests - its profile, resources, strategy for the coming years and prestigious projects that it is currently implementing.

The three-day convention, which lasted from 10 to 12 June 2018, was attended by over 120 chairmen and top managers of companies being part of the Vinci Construction International Network from all over the world - North America, Africa, Australia, Oceania and Europe. Its topics included a summary of VCIN's activities and key objectives of the strategy 2020 Together presented by Gilles Godard, CEO of VCIN.

An important point was an analysis by Nicolas Nouveau, Financial Director of VCIN regarding economic results and indicators as well as the presentation of plans to be implemented by individual countries and companies owned by VCIN. Safety policies and new initiatives in the area of ​​health and safety were strongly emphasized by Aurore Poilvert responsible for health and safety issues.

Mr Rafał Gliński, Manager of Development and ERP System Maintenance Department took part in a session focusing on acquiring talents, increasing the attractiveness of the work environment, digitizing construction sites and creating business strategies. He talked about building a culture of innovation at Warbud SA - intention, implementation experience, challenges that we had to face and the first effects. An innovation zone was organized in the hotel foyer which included technical innovations used on VINCI construction sites, i.e. a Digital Totem (Mennica project), 3D design software, BIM or Oculus technology.

The formula of the convention, the leitmotif of which was the #connect #share #dare slogan, was based on dialogue and integration and the participants, including members of the Warbud board, were facing numerous challenges. The challenges included industry-related and Hackaton strategic workshops as well as an urban game in which, apart from knowledge about the VINCI Group, field orientation and perceptual skills, the guests had to demonstrate knowledge about Warsaw and ....   physical fitness - after all, it's not so easy to squeeze seven people inside a Fiat 126p car.

The participants also visited the construction sites of high-rise buildings - Skyliner and Mennica Legacy Tower. During the visits the site managers presented their projects in terms of technology, work schedules and engineering challenges.

A special guest of the convention was Mr Jerome Stubler, president of VINCI Construction. In a speech ending the second day of the convention, President Stubler put a special emphasis on the development of the innovation culture. He summarized what has already been achieved under the CAP2020 strategy and discussed the economic results of the entire Group. He presented expectations towards VINCI CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL NETWORK and outlined plans for the future, including the possibility of extending VINCI with new companies and brands.

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