
Warbud News

Warbud signs a contract with Medical University of Warsaw for construction of University Dentistry Centre

University Dentistry Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw is scheduled to open in 2019. The construction of the facility is definitely the biggest development project in that branch of medicine in many years.

On September 6, 2017 Mr Jerzy Werle, Warbud's Chairman and Mr Wojciech Gerber, Board Member, signed a construction contract for the University Dentistry centre to be built at  Żwirki i Wigury St. The Client was represented by University Rector - Professor Mirosław Wielgoś, MD, PhD.

Warbud will carry out the construction work, demolish one university building and carry out landscaping works. The University Dentistry Centre was designed by ARCHIBIS design studio from Kielce.

The Centre building will have five floors and two underground level with a part containing an underground car park and the necessary associated infrastructure (changing rooms, archives, technical rooms). In addition to the entrance zone, the ground floor will contain: Dental and Maxillo-Facial Radiology Unit, a Dental Centre and an Integrated Dentistry Unit.

The first floor will house a Unit of Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics and a Dental Surgery Unit. The second floor will house a Paediatric Dentistry Unit and a Unit of Oral Mucosal and Periodontium Diseases. A Chair of Dental Prosthetics and a Prosthetics Laboratory will be located on the third floor whereas the office and administration rooms, lecture hall, buffet, Dental Hygiene Unit and Orthodontics Unit - on the fourth floor.

Net area: 16 777 m2

Total area: 18 761.86 m2

Scheduled project duration: 23 months from contract conclusion


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