
Warbud News

Warbud will renovate the Pharmaceutical Faculty of Warsaw Medical University

Warbud has obtained a contract for the execution of construction works in the buildings of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Warsaw Medical University at 1 Banacha St. in Warsaw. The contract was signed on behalf of Warbud on April 16, 2018, by Ms Monika Buraś, Member of the company's Management Board. The investor is Warsaw Medical University.

The scope of work is divided into three independent tasks:

  1. Thermal modernization - including among others the replacement of the façade and roofing, installation of central heating, mechanical ventilation, photovoltaic installation and energy management systems,
  2. Adaptation of the buildings of the Pharmaceutical Faculty to fire regulations - including among others division of the buildings into fire zones, adjustment of ventilation systems to the requirements of fire regulations, installation of a fire alarm system - total protection, installation of emergency lighting and a new hydrant system,
  3. Execution of construction works resulting from technical needs and user requests - including among others:  execution of new electrical installations, structured wiring, renovation of selected rooms, preparation of a new ventilation installation for fume cupboards.

Floorage: approx. 20 000 m2
Net contract value:  PLN 52 839 264
Scheduled date of completion: 17 months from the date of handing over the work site


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