
Warbud News


  • 2015-01-08

    On 12 December 2014 Warbud signed a contract for the execution of building works connected with modernization of facilities and thermal upgrading of Building A1 of Holy Family Hospital. The Client is Holy Family Specialist Hospital - Independent Public Health Care Centre at Madalińskiego St. in Warsaw. On Warbud's part the contract was signed by Mrs. Jolanta Grocholska, Board Member and Mr. Daniel Okoński, Proxy.

  • 2014-12-15

    On 12 December 2014 Warbud signed a contract for the completion of construction work on the Małopolska Region Information Technology Park in Cracow including associated infrastructure. The Investor is the company Krakowski Park Technologiczny Sp. z o.o.

  • 2014-12-02

    On 1 December 2014 Warbud signed a construction contract for a  multi-purpose 'Forum Radunia' complex in Gdansk. On Warbud's part the contract was signed by Mr Włodzimierz Włodarczyk, Chairman of the Board and Mr Wojciech Gerber, Member of the Management Board. The Investor for the project is the company 'Forum Radunia' Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Gdansk.

  • 2014-12-01

    Three Warbud S.A. construction sites have won First Prize in the 'Build Safely' contest organized by the District Labour Inspection in Lublin. The goal of the contest is to promote building contractors providing safe work places on their construction sites safe as well as to popularize safe and hygienic conditions of work.

  • 2014-11-18

    Warbud won First Prize in the competition named ‘Build Safely’ for the construction of Aquapark complex in Koszalin.  The contest was organized by the State Labour Inspection – District Labour Inspectorate in Szczecin. The award ceremony took place on 17 November 2014 in Szczecin. Warbud was represented by Mr. Zbigniew Wieczorek, Site Manager, and Mr. Jakub Szafraniec, Health and Safety Coordinator.

  • 2014-11-06

    On 5 November 2014 Warbud signed a contract for rebuilding works in a  house with outbuildings situated at 6 Rynek Square and 5 Kiełbaśnicza St. in Wroclaw for the purpose of a permanent exhibition of 'Pan Tadeusz' Museum in Wroclaw.

  • 2014-10-29

    On 27 October 2014 Warbud signed a contract for the construction of Phase 1b of a housing complex with retail outlets situated at 8 Kłobucka St. in Warsaw. The investor the company Central Park Ursynow 1 Sp. z o.o. The estate was designed by ARCHIPLAN DESIGN Sp. z o.o

  • 2014-10-20

    On 20 October 2014 Polish Social Security Institution (ZUS) signed a letter of intent with the Agreement for Safety in the Construction Industry which has initiated cooperation between the Institution and the members of the Agreement in order to improve safety in the group of small and medium-size building subcontractors working for large construction companies.

  • 2014-08-19

    Warbud has signed a contract for the construction of "Wroclaw 101" office building with retail outlets and an underground garage with 28 parking spaces. On Warbud's part the contract was signed by Mr Grzegorz Chudzik - Board Member and Mr Grzegorz Koprowski - Director of Region South. Warbud will carry out the building works, landscaping works and build exterior utility networks and service lines to the building.

  • 2014-06-30

    Capitol Theatre has won 1st prize in the category of public buildings and the Grand Prize in the Beautiful Wroclaw competition. The award ceremony was held on June 25 in the seat of the Lower Silesian Chamber of Polish Architects. Warbud was represented by Mr Marcin Majewski, site manager and Mr Łukasz Lis, works manager. The purpose of the competition is to promote the architecture of Wrocław and honour particularly important creative achievements.

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