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Activities of the Warbud Foundation in 2021

Each of us builds the world by shaping the surrounding reality. Warbud is not an exception. While being a general contractor and creating a space for work, living, study, leisure or medical treatment - we are an important participant in the process of developing cities and regions. Our role as a socially responsible company is sustainable development, which is inextricably linked with the people and communities for whom we are building. We play that role among others through the multidimensional activity of our Foundation, which has been operating since 2008.
In 2021, the Foundation supported 29 nationwide and local institutional projects, as well as several dozen individuals. Behind each of them there is a human history, often very dramatic and difficult, but their common denominator is the help provided by the Warbud Foundation. The main area of those activities are educational, social, health, charity, sports and environmental projects and events. Here are some of them.
The Foundation was one of the sponsors of the event named Construction Survival SPOT. The event, organized with the participation of volunteers from academic circles, students of design and construction faculties, architects and industry professionals, combines the science of building with educational and creative workshops. Thanks to that charity event, in 2021 a scouting base facility was renovated - an activity room in Rajec near Radom, which has for many decades served generations of local scouts.
In the field of supporting treatment and rehabilitation, the Foundation's activities have been concentrating for many years on disabled and ill children. Each prolonged illness leads to a deterioration in the financial situation of the affected family. It is associated with expenses on medicines, equipment and rehabilitation services, while reducing the home budget as a result of the professional activity of parents or guardians. In 2021, the Foundation joined a number of institutional projects and also responded positively to individual requests in that area.
The Foundation financed participation of 50 Warbud employees in the 10th edition of the charity Poland Business Run 2021. Among us there were people ready to devote their time and energy to run for a good cause! Income from the event was allocated to treating people after amputations and with other dysfunctions of the motor organs.
Educational initiatives subsidized by the Foundation allowed for equipping a sensory room for students of the Primary School with integration departments in Wiązowna, the school library in Grybów, a chemical workshop in the Secondary School in Piastów, refurbishing a classroom in a primary school in Gdynia, equipping a science studio in the small town of Zamarski or building a playground for kids in the kindergarten in Pomerania. We want well and wisely equipped school libraries to offer students valuable literature, and well-prepared laboratories to give them an opportunity to explore science and experiments, develop their interests and passions.
In the field of ecology, the Foundation became a partner of the educational and nature program “I help birds". The project combines the social and educational aspects. Its essence is an active protection of cavity-nesting birds in rural areas in Poland and the activation of residents - especially children and the elderly - in the practical activity of installing nesting boxes and then watching wild birds in the so-called "Bird Sanctuaries". Those activities raise environmental awareness but also constitute a form of intergenerational integration.

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