Warbud News

Media Information

Construction of ‘Czajka’ Sewage Treatment Plant

Referring to numerous press reports on the failure of ‘Czajka’ Sewage Treatment Plant in Warsaw, we hereby inform you that Warbud was not responsible for the construction of the sewage transmission system under the Vistula River (construction of sewage collectors) in which the failure occurred. The above described scope of work was a separate contract signed in 2010 by a consortium of the following four companies: Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Górniczych ‘Metro’ Sp. z o.o. (consortium leader), Hydrobudowa Polska SA, Hydrobudowa 9 SA and Infra SA. Warbud was not responsible for any part of the construction work on the transmission system supplying sewage to the treatment plant.

Warbud SA was part of a consortium building and modernizing the sewage treatment plant in Warsaw’s district of Białołęka and was responsible for the construction and execution of reinforced concrete facilities (146 buildings, including biological reactors, settling tanks, airtight chambers), as well as for its technical infrastructure and landscaping works within the sewage treatment plant. We also kindly ask you not to mislead the public and not name us as the contractor of the defective part of the installation and not to claim our responsibility for the quality of the construction work.

Warbud SA Communication Office

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