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'Environment Week' - first such environmental event at Warbud S.A.

It was a successful debut! We have just completed the 1st edition of the "Environment Week" and VINCI Environment Day - the largest event in Warbud aimed at environmental protection. The idea of this year's campaign is reflected by the motto: "High five for Nature. Spend 5 days for the planet."

At construction sites, as well as in the company’s Warsaw headquarters and regional offices, despite the difficulties related to maintaining the sanitary regime, we managed to carry out a number of activities to raise our employees’ eco-awareness.

One of the persons encouraging them to participate in this co initiative was Mr. Jerzy Werle, President of the Management Board: - Let's spend those five days to build good relations with nature. Just for the beginning. Let's clean up a piece of the world, see what ecological driving is all about, let's get to know passive construction, let's take a closer look at the life of our bees. Let's learn how not to waste everything (...). Let's spend more time riding bikes. Let's show our children and grandchildren the beauty of nature.

A global VINCI environmental competition was inaugurated throughout the entire VINCI Group.

Car lovers had a chance to find out about the secrets of ecological driving in a Toyota Corolla Hatchback with a hybrid drive. The winner will be announced soon. Various parameters were taken into account such as fuel consumption in real city driving. Users of new Toyota company cars could also test their skills thanks to the MYTOYOTA! app. A person who drove in eco mode for a week and has achieved the best parameters will receive a car bicycle rack.

You can also emphasize the ECO Week with your clothes. On Tuesday, September 22, the leading colour on many of our construction sites and offices was GREEN. All the "greens" received "Flower Meadows" to be planted on their balconies or in gardens.

Beekeeping workshops also turned out to be very popular. On the roof of the office building at  32 Domaniewska St. in Poland’s capital you could see the hive life. Bartłomiej Grabowski from the company BeeCity taking care of the Warbud’s apiary, talked about bee habits. In May this year, we adopted four bee families which consists of approx. 240 thousand bees.  It is our bio-building block to the local ecosystem. By pollinating flowers, bees significantly increase flowering, which in turn attracts more insects that feed on honey plants. Thanks to bees, the number of bird and mammal species which feed on plants or insects is also increasing. These insects pollinate over 3/4 of the cultivated plant species in Europe. 

Bird houses.  We prepared nesting boxes with the Warbud logo. They will soon appear in the south-east of Poland, in the following locations: Cracow - 20 nesting boxes intended for the great tit, mazurka bird, house sparrow, mourning flycatcher and other small hole nesters. They will be hanged in city parks. Lublin20 boxes for swifts - birds with a silhouette similar to a swallow. It is a very useful creature - it can catch up to 20,000 mosquitoes in a day. Unfortunately, as a result of very intensive thermal modernization works, Swifts have lost tens of thousands of settled and potential breeding sites, hence it has become necessary to install replacement breeding places for these birds in the form of special boxes. Rzeszow - 10 boxes for various birds and 10 boxes for swifts - they will be installed on the elevation of two skyscrapers in Rzeszów.

To reduce the consumption of plastic bags, all Warbud employees received reusable eco bags, e.g. for vegetables and fruits.

batteries and electro-waste collections were organized for a charity - the foundation "Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę (Giving Children Strength)" with whom we have been cooperating for years. For every kilogram of electro-waste, ASEKOL provides that Foundation with financial support.

Various ways of not wasting products were presented at workshops entitled Zero waste and I cook, I do not waste run by Ms. Sylwia Majcher, a well-known authority in this area.

Passive construction workshops were organized not only for engineers. Participants of this 6-hour meeting gained knowledge in a nutshell about the basics of working with passive and zero-energy construction projects, as well as the requirements for those buildings.

We were accompanied for the whole week by specialists in bicycle equipment - city and mountain bikes. They gave us advice on the bicycle purchase and operation, showed us how to repair them. They carried out technical inspections for free. Bike service technicians could be found in our locations in Gdańsk, Lublin, Wrocław and Warsaw.

Finally, a real gem! Clean up the world! Few people here accepted the challenge! Therefore we would like to express our appreciation to the employees of Warbud’s Equipment Unit who rose to the occasion and cleaned the area around Gniewkowska Street in Warsaw!

In total, on September 21-25, 2020, over 250 Warbud employees participated in various forms of environmental activities.

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