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General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways strengthens cooperation with Agreement on Safety in Construction

General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways and the Agreement on Safety in Construction have signed a declaration of cooperation. Its aims at working together to improve work safety while implementing infrastructure investments, servicing and maintaining the existing roads.

The Agreement on Safety in Construction and the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways have committed themselves to building a health and safety culture through continuous improvement of occupational health and safety management systems on implemented investment projects and developing a joint action strategy, including guidelines to increase safety levels on construction sites. Both parties will now appoint expert teams to determine a detailed scope of cooperation and a schedule of activities.

‘We want to bring dangerous events on construction sites to a minimum. Thanks to cooperation with an organization associating general contractors we can do it even more effectively. Cooperation on such an important issue is the basis of success,’ says Tomasz Żuchowski, acting  General Director for National Roads and Motorways.

‘The signing of the declaration is actually a formality as we have been working together for safety on construction sites for some time now. We hope that one of the effects of our cooperation will be the development of safety guidelines which will be helpful at all stages of the construction process,’ says Jacek Leczkowski, President of the Agreement on Safety in Construction. ‘Occupational safety is one of the fields in which the cooperation of all parties involved in construction projects is essential. I hope that our partnership will be a model example of cooperation with public institutions for other industries: fully organized, transparent, contributing to the development of the sector,’ adds Jacek Leczkowski.

The Agreement on Safety in Construction promotes a safety culture on construction sites through implementation of standards, including the introduction of system solutions in the field of health and safety as well as education and training activities. The organization prepares films, briefings and trainings for construction workers. Posters with guidelines on protection against the coronavirus were published among others by GDDKiA.

‘In addition to improving safety on roads and civil structures, in this term of office we want to focus on procedures related to work at heights and vertical transport of materials,’ says Jacek Leczkowski, President of the Agreement.

Declaration of cooperation between the Agreement on Safety in Construction and the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways was signed during the meeting of the Agreement's steering committee, i.e. a body composed of presidents, vice-presidents and directors general of signatory members. In addition to Jacek Leczkowski, President of the Agreement on Safety in Construction and Tomasz Żuchowski, acting Director General for National Roads and Motorways, the meeting was also attended by Mr. Tomasz Kwieciński, Counsel to Director General, Mr. Bartosz Wiśniewski, Director of Health and Safety Division in the ERBUD Group and by Mr. Michał Wasilewski, coordinator of the Agreement on Safety in Construction.

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