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Good Transport - proven standard of concrete transport and feeding machinery

Agreement on Safety in Construction whose member is Warbud and the Association of Concrete Producers in Poland have developed common OHS standard 14.8 with requirements for machines and operators.

"Good Transport" is the trade mark awarded to machinery units with an operator which have been certified to meet the standard. During the verification procedure, the equipment and operators undergo audits which confirm that they are properly prepared. Such a sign placed on a machine is valid for one year. It confirms that the operator has the necessary documents and authorizations, knowledge regarding the safe operation of the equipment during unloading and feeding concrete, as well as that the equipment is in a good technical condition and has appropriate accessories. Inspection of machines with the GOOD TRANSPORT mark may be limited to random checks, as they have already been checked by audit teams.

This is especially important nowadays when we strive to eliminate the need for direct contacts due to the risk of COVID-19 infection.

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