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Prosta Tower and Museum of Modern Art get prizes in the competition 'Building Project of the Year 2011'
Warbud has won prizes in the competition "Building Project of the Year 2011". Results were announced and the “building industry Oscars” were awarded on Tuesday, May 29, 2012.

Warbud SA received the following awards in the 22nd edition of the competition:

  • 1st Prize, the title “Building Project of the Year” and a golden statuette for the Prosta Tower project in Warsaw in the category of office and administration buildings
  • 2nd Prize and a silver statuette for the Museum of Modern Art in Krakow in the category of public buildings

Warbud was represented by Mr Jarosław Nielipiński, Deputy Director, Mr Rafał Rusek, Contract Manager, Mr Janusz Pasztaleniec, Manager of the Tender Department, Mr Damian Kamiński, Deputy Director and Mr Rafał Adamczak, Works Manager.

The awards gala was conducted by Mr Zygmunt Rawicki, Chairman of the Competiotion Organising Committee. He noted that "from one year to another, the quality of buildings is getting higher." Among the invited guests were, among others, Mr Janusz Żbik, Under-secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Marine Economy and Mr Jerzy Gumiński, Secretary General of Main Technical Organisation (NOT).

In this year projects were assessed in ten categories. 60 projects from all around Poland were proposed for the competition. The assessment procedure consisted of 3 stages and lasted for several months. It consisted in a detailed analysis of the technical and financial documentation as well as local site inspections.




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