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#Razemdlaszpitali. The VINCI Group companies operating in Poland provide hospitals with life-saving ventilators

The second wave of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has become a fact and this is why our #Razemdlaszpitali (together for hospitals) campaign continues and does not cease to help those most in need. Thanks to VINCI Foundation, VINCI Groups companies operating in Poland received necessary funds for the purchase of six high-class ventilators which will help Polish doctors in the fight for the health and lives of their patients. The delivered devices are covered by a 24-month warranty. Equipment commissioning and training of medical personnel has also been provided.

‘The donated equipment is a great support for us, it will be used by patients of the Hospital Emergency Department who will need to support their inefficient respiratory system infected with SARS-Cov-2. The devices are equipped with turbines and therefore it will be possible to use the ventilators in rooms which do not have compressed air supply systems as well as during patient transport. This translates into a greater functionality and wider possibilities of using the ventilators given to us,’  said Mr. Radosław Kołaciński, Director of the Ludwik Perzyna Provincial Hospital in Kalisz.

‘We are hopeful and optimistic about the fact that the hospital staff could count on the kindness and solidarity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The donation given to us is an invaluable help in saving the health and lives of our patients in this difficult time. We look to the future with a greater certainty and believe that the world is becoming a place where good returns with doubled strength,’ said Ms. Małgorzata Usielska, Director of the Independent Public Provincial Hospital in Szczecin.

Ventilators were delivered to six hospitals - in Warsaw, Kalisz, Szczecin, Gdańsk, Kraków and Bydgoszcz. From March to September we have already helped over 30 institutions all over Poland. Among them there are hospitals, medical centres and nursing homes.

The action which we have taken with the support of the VINCI Foundation in the VINCI Group by 12 companies acting together, that is by Warbud, Eurovia Polska, ATEM-Polska, Menard, ETF Polska, Soletanche Polska, Calanbau-TPI, Freyssinet Polska, VINCI Facilities Polska, VINCI Immobilier Polska, Axians Networks Poland, Remea - shows how extremely important it is to give help in the crisis situation caused by the pandemic, both for the health service and the patients - it gives them a chance to recover and win the battle against the disease.

‘By making the donation, we want to support, but also thank the doctors who watch over our health and are on the front line in the fight against Covid19,’ said Ms. Agnieszka Wąsowska, Member of the Management Board of the foundation "Warbud - Warto pomagać” coordinating the campaign.

List of beneficiaries and logotype #razemdlaszpitali (together for hospitals) are included in the attachment.

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