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'Safety Week' at Warbud SA

The 7th edition of the "Safety Week", which took place in the first half of October 2020, has ended. Due to the pandemic, many activities took place online.  The event was officially started by Mr. Jerzy Werle, President of the Management Board, on Norblin Factory construction site in Warsaw.

Mr. Jerzy Werle pointed out how extremely important it is to care for general safety in accordance with the motto of the Safety Week: I am aware of significant risks. I share my observations. Together, we save people's lives at every stage of the construction process. The team stick together. He emphasized that a construction is a system of connected vessels and the way we work has an impact on our own and other employees' safety.

During a webinar on the ergonomics of teleworking, the participants gained the knowledge necessary to properly organize the workplace and obtained professional medical and ergonomic advice. The physiotherapist who conducted the meeting also demonstrated exercises which should be performed during breaks from working at the computer in order to avoid back pain and keep a correct body posture.

Volunteers could take part in the game "Find a Risk" which takes place on a virtual construction site. The task was to find the dangers occurring there.

An instruction video was recorded and shared illustrating how we can protect ourselves against the coronavirus by providing first aid to accident victims.

A training for children took place on October 3, 2020 at the construction site of the Science Centre in Tajęcina. Workshops presenting participants how to provide first aid in the times of Covid-19 were conducted by a paramedic. The participants were children of Warbud employees and subcontractors working on the construction site. The training was conducted in compliance with the required sanitary regime.

Company managers and directors took part in a number of "Quarter for Health and Safety" meetings with employees and subcontractors. The purpose of those fifteen-minute meetings was to provide information, among others on collective protection systems. Detailed guidelines were discussed applying to collective protection systems to be used on floors using the traditional method with girders, prefabricated floors, formwork for walls and columns and excavations.

Workers could also take part in a quiz on collective protection equipment. Questions for the quiz were created on the basis of guidelines prepared by the Agreement on Construction Safety.

This year, the following presentations were organized on the construction sites by suppliers and manufacturers of health and safety equipment and personal protective equipment. The company Hilti showed participants how to safely use power tools and conducted a demonstration of passive fire protection systems to be used at flammable pipes, electric cables and air conditioning bundles. Forbuild touched upon the subject of safety barriers, their application and correct installation. The speakers pointed out why the use of tested commercial barriers is safer than the use of uncertain solutions, e.g. barriers made of boards. Ulma gave a presentation on the correctness and safety of the wall and ceiling formwork system. During the training elements of the systems were discussed with particular emphasis placed on safety-related elements. Assembly methods were also presented and the maintenance of formwork was discussed. On one of Warbud’s construction sites in Poland’s capital a training course in using Doka formwork system was organized. Important issues regarding protection and completeness of the formwork as well as its proper transport and storage were raised.

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