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To Our Subcontractors and Suppliers

Dear All,

Almost four months ago, the world stopped running. The pandemic for which no-one was prepared put to the test global economies, public and private companies and social institutions. The crisis which affected not only businesses but also ourselves is a severe test for everyone.

A test which is passed by one of the few industries in Poland - the construction industry.  So far, it has proved that people and companies in this sector have great courage and determination and a sense of responsibility. The Polish construction industry continued its activity despite initial fears, which is why it is in a much better situation than in other countries where work had been suspended. General contractors reorganized their construction sites, introduced a number of restrictions so as not to interrupt construction work. However, it would not be possible without our subcontractors and suppliers.  Thanks to their commitment, sense of solidarity and enormous effort work was continued on construction sites, the flow of supplies was not interrupted and good relations with our Clients were maintained.


Thank you for your ability to be extremely mobilized and to work in an extremely difficult time. The pandemic has shown that construction workers are people of action. We can be pragmatic and act quickly, we can be flexible and reactive. And above all, we can demonstrate solidarity. Of course, the most important thing in recent months was health. But it was and is equally important to keep our jobs and secure our own and our families’ existence. Hundreds of thousands of employees work in the construction industry. Some are employed directly in manufacturing, others in the production of materials and equipment, others in transport, logistics and specialist services.

The future and development of the construction industry now largely depend on the role of the state. We will not avoid a decline in investment spending, especially in the private sector, which is why it is so important now to launch appropriate administrative mechanisms and to expand and maintain the pool of public investment. They will be the main factor driving the economy and the construction sector - its flywheel.

Regardless of the development of the pandemic, we know today that we have profoundly changed in our construction activities and social relations. Those who learn from this harsh lesson will survive. We are redefining our approach - we are aware of the changes, we can react quickly, present a flexible and innovative approach which gives us a chance as the construction industry to come out of this crisis unscathed - more mobilized to operate in the new reality.

We are currently operating in a situation of great uncertainty about the future. The epidemic is still not over yet and we do not know what the nearest future will bring. Therefore I wish you perseverance in taking up the challenges of the new reality and I appeal for respecting sanitary recommendations and caring for one's own and employees' health.


Jerzy Werle

President of WARBUD SA’s Management Board

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