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Topiel No. 18 - Warbud's eighth contract with Marvipol

Warbud will build the Topiel No. 18 project for Marvipol Development. The contract was signed on October 15, 2018 by Wojciech Gerber - Member of Warbud’s Management Board and Daniel Okoński - Proxy. On behalf of the Investor the document was signed by Mariusz Poławski, Vice President of Marvipol Development Management Board and Robert Pydzik, President of the Management Board. The contract covers the construction of a multi-family residential building with an underground garage and the associated technical infrastructure in the area of ​​Topiel and Leszczyńska streets. We have 17.5 months to complete the contract from the date its conclusion. The building design and detailed design were developed by WWAA design office.

By April 30, 2020, a a modern twelve-storey building with 52 residential and 2 non-residential units will be built on a plot situated in the heart of Warsaw's district of Powiśle. The garage and a part of the fitness club (level -1) are to be located in the three-story basement. Above it, on 9 storeys above ground level, there will be flats designed on the basis of a smart home system.

A technically advanced solution based on a sensor network will allow the building to adapt on its own not only to the presence of inhabitants but also to internal and external factors such as temperature, sunshine or humidity. The central management system will make it possible to control almost any home appliance, and thanks to the visualization and connection of the installation to the Internet, users will be able to control its operation from anywhere in the world.

The high standard of the project is also confirmed by the materials to be used in the building - façade windows are to be made of wood and aluminium with bent glass in the corners. In common areas there will be carpet flooring, wallpaper, veneers and anodized steel. The elevator space will also be representative. The project involves the use of concrete conglomerates and finishes with the use of "TecuGold" copper sheets and self-supporting balustrades.

Technical parameters:

Number of floors: 12 (9 above ground, 3 underground)

Footprint area: 1 001,15 sq m

Usable area of ​​residential units: 4 535 sq m
Usable area of non-residential units: 319 sq m
Total area: 11 335 sq m
Gross cubic volume: 43 307.57 sq m
Scheduled time for completion:  17.5 months from contract conclusion

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