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University Hospital in Krakow wins first prize in Construction of the Year 2019 contest

Warbud has received a golden statuette for the construction of the University Hospital in Krakow-Prokocim. The award ceremony was held on September 3, 2020 in Warsaw. It was the 30th jubilee edition of the contest organised by Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians PZIiTB. The jury selected Poland’s best construction projects of the year 2019. The award was collected by: Ms. Lucyna Duszyk, UH infrastructure director - representing the Investor and Mr. Tomasz Blecharski, Director responsible for supervision over the construction of the hospital, and Mr. Łukasz Gombarczyk from Porr. Rafał Pyrzanowski and Rafał Ossowski from Warbud were also present at the gala.

Competition jury assesses the quality of works, technology of construction, building solutions and their technical advancement, organization of the construction process, financing of the project and the impact of the investment on the environment. Verification takes place throughout the year and consists of three stages.

It is worth adding that for 15 years our facilities have been appreciated and distinguished by the jury of the competition, each time winning new "Construction Oscars".

Many people have earned this award. It is a culmination of over 4.5 years of hard and arduous work of 700 people in the office and directly at the construction site. It is really worth building with such a team,’ said Tomasz Blecharski from Warbud, responsible for supervision over hospital construction. ‘I am deeply convinced that this extraordinary facility will serve doctors and thousands of cured patients well and for a long time.’

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