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VINCI ranked among world’s largest construction companies

VINCI Group came 5th in the report Global Powers of Construction 2019 (GPoC)drawn up by the consulting company Deloitte. The ranking analyses the achievements of the world's most profitable construction companies. The report ranks the world's top 100 construction companies by sales and the top 30 companies by market capitalization. As in previous years, GPOC 2019 analyses the current macroeconomic outlook for the construction sector and forecasts its growth in major markets. It also analyses key financial indicators achieved by leading players in terms of revenues, market capitalization, international presence, diversification, profitability, debt and other financial indicators.

The report says among others that

  • Most of the construction groups have diversified their portfolio to operate throughout the entire infrastructure cycle, increasing synergies and taking advantage of a competitive advantage which translates into higher profitability.
  • Chinese companies dominate the Top 100 in terms of revenues, representing 44 percent of the total.
  • A slight slowdown in 2019, combined with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, negatively affected the forecasts for 2020 and increased the level of uncertainty for the coming years. The construction sector, however, remains resilient as one of the few to grow by 0.5 percent this year.

The VINCI Group

The history of VINCI dates back to the nineteenth century. The group has changed a lot since then but from the very beginning there were two types of activities: concessions and contracting. At present the Group operates in one hundred countries, being an important participant in the transformation process of cities and non-urban areas. It is based in Paris.

The concern employs over 200 thousand people and conducts activities in the field of design, financing, construction and operation of public utility facilities as well as transport, energy and hydrotechnical infrastructure. VINCI's portfolio includes projects such as the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris, the renovation of the Louvre, the Rio-Andirio Bridge in Greece, and the construction of the Chernobyl reactor sarcophagus. The group can boast of the construction of metro lines in Paris, Renns and Cairo, modernization of the London metro, a 900-kilometre section of high-voltage power line connecting Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, or the world's longest tunnel for pedestrians, cyclists and buses - de la Croix-Rousse in Lyon (1753 m). 

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