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Warbud among founders of Foundation BuilidngSMART Polska

Poland's largest construction companies have started to cooperate in order to develop the BIM technology in the Polish market.

On 6 November 2017 in Warsaw representatives of WARBUD SA, HOCHTIEF Polska, MOSTOSTAL Warszawa, MOTA-ENGIL Central Europe, ELECTRA M&E Polska and ENGIE Technika Instalacyjna signed founding documents of BuildingSMART Polska Foundation. The goal of the Foundation is to lay the basis for the functioning of an organisation for companies operating in the construction market integrating actions connected with the BIM method on the national and international level, as well as to promote the OpenBIM idea.

'BIM is a conception which will revolutionize our approach to designing, construction and facility management. It will for sure set an important direction for Warbud's development. BIM allows builders to meet the expectations of the most demanding clients who request optimised and increasingly improved solutions. That is to a certain extent an expansion of our company's scope of services,' stated Mr Jerzy Werle, Warbud's Chairman.

It is Warbud's another action constituting an element in the process of building an innovation culture and promoting technological development of the construction industry. The founders were united by the values and goals of buildingSMART, by the idea of openBIM and the will to cooperate for the digitisation of the industry.

The Foundation buildingSMART Polska will consult its actions with representatives of governmental institutions and non-governmental organisations in the course of works of its Advisory Board. The bodies of the Foundation are the Founders' Board, the Management Board and Operational Team. The Founder's Board is made of chairmen of the companies who signed the Foundation's statute: Jerzy Werle (WARBUD), Robert Protyński (ELECTRA M&E Polska), Maciej Kopański (ENGIE Technika Instalacyjna), Henryk Liszka (HOCHTIEF Polska), Andrzej Goławski (MOSTOSTAL Warszawa), Zbigniew Zajączkowski (MOTA-ENGIL Central Europe).

The Management Board of the foundation is composed of: Klaus Boede (President), Adam Glema (Vice-President), Jerzy Rusin (Vice-President) and Leszek Włochyński (Vice-President). Persons appointed to the interdisciplinary Operational Team: Wojciecha Kalisz, Konrad Majewski, Kamil Stolarski, Tomasz Żychiewicz.

BuildingSMART is an independent non-profit international organisation setting trends for the digitisation of the construction industry by developing open international information exchange standards. You can find more information at http://www.buildingsmart.pl.

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