Warbud News

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Warbud Builds Safely


Warbud won 2nd prize in the competition named "Build Safely" for the extension of the Children's Hospital at ul. Niekłańska in Warsaw. The statuette was awarded to Mr Piotr Tokarz, Site Manager and Mr Lech Wąsowski, Director of the Public Procurement Division.

The Competitors were assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • the way of development the safety and health protection plan ("Plan BIOZ"),
  • the extent and complexity of the building works,
  • the quality of professional risk assessment for the particular jobs, employee's knowledge of safety rules and their ability to identify risks,
  • the quality of coordination and effectiveness of OHS regulation observance supervision by entities acting on the construction site,
  • the observance of OHS rules and regulations on the construction site,
  • accident figures in the competition period,
  • the usage of non-standard solutions regarding Occupational Health and Safety.

The objective of the competition organized annually by National Labour Inspection is to promote contractors providing safe working conditions.






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