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Warbud receives 'Złoty Wiąz' distinction

Warbud has received "Złoty Wiąz (Golden Elm)" distinction from Mayor of the Wiązowna commune. The award is an expression of the highest recognition for entrepreneurs who stand out in their business activities and contribute to the development and promotion of the commune and build its good image. We are very pleased that local government units with which we have been cooperating for years appreciate our efforts in building long-term relationships in business and attitudes promoting corporate social responsibility.

In the Wiązowna commune, Warbud is the contractor for the expansion and thermal modernization of five educational institutions under PPP projects. We are also building S17 expressway at the Zakręt Junction.

In the process of execution of the above-mentioned projects, we have not forgotten about the local community and support it in the area of preventive health care, sports, safety and activities integrating children and youth - through our charity Warbud-Warto Pomagać.

At the awards gala, which took place on 18 November 2021 in Dziechciniec, our company was represented by Mr. Jan Prończuk, Director of the Energy Efficiency and Service Department and Mr. Jan Zdziarski, Site Manager.

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