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Warbud will build Brynów transfer hub in Katowice

Warbud SA, in a consortium with the company "STOR" Sp. z o.o., will build Brynów transfer hub. The contracting entity is the City of Katowice and the company Tramwaje Śląskie SA, the designer - MERiTUM PROJEKT.


Warbud's scope of work:

  • construction of a passenger service building
  • construction of platform shelter and bicycle shelter
  • construction of a  multi-level car park with automatic parking systems
  • construction of retaining walls
  • road works, rebuilding of the existing road system of Rzepakowa, Żytnia, Kłodnicka, Gen. Z. Waltera Jankego, T. Kosciuszki streets together with the rebuilding of the existing walkways and the extension of cycling routes
  • construction of parking spaces and manoeuvre roadways for buses
  • construction of a  surface "Park & Ride" car park along with a toll collection system
  • construction of short-term parking places (with approx. 3 minute parking time) for getting off (so-called "Kiss & Ride")
  • landscaping works in the area including planting trees and shrubs, accessory structures, decorative and advertising elements, and citylight devices.

The building in numbers:

1. Station building:

  • Footprint of the building: 445.10m2
  • Usable area: 370.38m2
  • Cubic volume: 2 224.00 m3

2. Two-level car park

  • Footprint of the building: 5 640 m2
  • Usable area: 8 468 m2
  • Cubic volume: 34 210.72 m3

3. Platform shelter

  • Footprint of the building: 2 390 m2
  • Cubic volume: 21 510 m3

Scheduled project dates: December 2017 - October 2019

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