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Warbud will build Tarasy Zamkowe shopping centre in Lublin

On April 15 2013 Warbud acting as the general contractor, signed a contract for the construction of shopping and entertainment centre Tarasy Zamkowe in Lublin. The Client is the Austrian real estate investor and developer IMMOFINANZ Group. Tarasy Zamkowe shopping and entertainment centre will be built in the centre of Lublin, between Unii Lubeskiej and Tysiąclecia Avenues. The 38 thousand square meters of retail space will house 150 units, including cafeterias, restaurants and entertainment facilities. The three-storey underground car park will have 1400 comfortable parking spaces. In the centre there will be also a supermarket with floorage of 2000 sqm. The building will have a 4-storey form (with 6 storeys in some parts). It will have two underground floors and 2 shopping mall floors above ground level. The most important façade of the building is the roof in the shape of intermingling triangular ramps and terraces. It will form an exceptionally interesting landscaping composition connected with the Czechówka stream ecosystem. It must be added that the roof planted with park and riverside vegetation will be made available to pedestrians and cyclists who will be both able to climb the roof using land ramps. The centre will be built at the foot of the famous 12th century Lublin castle which will be seen through the glazed façade of the building. Warbud will execute the development project in a joint venture with Mercury Engineering Polska sp. z o.o.

Floorage of the building: approx. 105 000 m2
Total area: approx. 116 000 m2
Cubage: approx. 305 000 m3
Estimated date of work completion: Q4 of 2014

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