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Warbud wins tender for expansion of Clinical and Teaching Centre 2 in Łódź

The second stage of construction of the Clinical and Teaching Centre of Medical University of Łódź together with Academic Oncology Centre (CKD2) will be executed by a joint venture of BUDOMAL and WARBUD. The contract was officially signed on August 27, 2020 in Łódź.

The contract was signed on Warbud’s part by Mr. Jerzy Werle, President of the Management Board,  Mr. Lech Wąsowski, Director of Public Procurement Division and Mr. Rafał Leśniak, President of Budomal. Medical University in Łódź was represented by Mr. Radzisław Kordek, Rector, Mr. Jacek Grabowski, Chancellor, and Ms. Małgorzata Ochman, Bursar of the Medical University.

The development project consists of two buildings - A1 and A2. The project covers an adaptation the existing undeveloped part of the buildings to the new medical functional program, fabrication and strengthening of structural elements as well as thermal modernization of the facilities. It is worth adding that the value of installation works constitutes 50% of the value of the entire contract and the equipment is worth 10% of the contract.

An important part of the project of the 2nd stage of the Clinical and Teaching Cenre will be the construction of Academic Gynecology and Obstetrics Centre and Academic Oncology Centre.

After the expansion is completed - in 2023 - over a dozen diagnostic and laboratory departments located in the city of Łódź will be moved to the campus at Pomorska St. Among others, an operating theatre, Hospital Emergency Department, Coordinated Health Care Centre, urology, oncological surgery, neonatology and geriatric departments will be located there.

The execution of the CKD2 project is a response to the public health problems occurring nationwide and in the Łódź region. Modern clinical and teaching facilities offering high standards of treatment based on the use of highly specialized equipment and treatment methods will contribute to the improvement of the public health in the region and will also allow its inhabitants to easier access state-of-the-art medical services.


Project data:

Contracting Entity: Medical University of Lodz

Completion date: 865 days from contract date

Total area covered by the works: 30 200 m²

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