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Warbud wins the Top Quality Program QI 2018

On October 26, 2018, the Monopol Hotel in Katowice was the venue for the 5th European Forum for Quality and Innovation 2018. The intention of the organizers is to enable its participants to exchange ideas and opinions, learn about the latest trends and solutions that facilitate their everyday business operations in Poland and other European countries in various areas, among others in relation to management standards, certification, financing of innovative projects, applicable regulations as well as postulated regulatory changes that are conducive to the development, growth, competitiveness and efficiency of enterprises.

The event was crowned by a gala of the Top Quality International Program combined with the award of QI 2018 prizes in the following categories: QI Product, QI Services and QI Order.

The jury honoured Warbud SA and awarded the title of Laureate and Emblem in the category QI Order – Top Quality Management emphasizing such aspects as high quality of services confirmed by research performed by competent institutions, the state of implementation of management systems, modern solutions, system organization and information transparency.

The award was received by Ms Monika Cegłowska from the Integrated Management System Department at Warbud SA.

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