Warbud News

Media Information


  • 2016-11-16

    Warbud will build a military complex in Bydgoszcz. NATO Defence Investment Division (Zakład Inwestycji Organizacji Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego) chose Warbud's offer as the most competitive quotation in the accelerated tender for designing, construction and design supervision for a military complex to be built for NATO's 3rd Signal Battalion in Bydgoszcz. The contract with the value of PLN 43 734 747.51 incl. VAT covers demolition and construction work and the supply of equipment for the buildings.

  • 2016-11-15

    A hangar for cargo and passenger aircraft with an aircraft apron built in Bydgoszcz by Warbud has been chosen as the winner of the competition 'Budowa na Medal Pomorza i Kujaw 2016' (Top Construction Project of Pomerania and Kujawy Province). The awards gala took place on October 24 in the Raspberry Hall of the "Pod Orłem" Hotel in Bydgoszcz. The basic criteria for choosing the winners are the usefulness and innovativeness of the architectural and functional solutions, quality of construction as well as aesthetic, ecological and economic aspects of projects.

  • 2016-11-09

    On November 8, 2016, Warbud signed a contract for construction of a  hospital building to house an Operating Theatre, an Intensive Care Unit and Hospital Health Centres in the area of City Hospital in Sosnowiec. The building with the value of 45 mPLN will be completed in 1.5 years. This is another Warbud's hospital construction contract after the Woman and Child Health Centre in Zabrze which is implemented as a „finance and build" project.

  • 2016-10-27

    On October 19, 2016 a conference was organised in Cracow which summarised the project named "Polish-German-Ukrainian self-governmental PFI initiative" which was  implemented in the period of significant legal changes closing the last 7 years of the development of the PFI market. The event which was supported by Warbud was another chance for a  discussion and presentation of summaries by experts, market specialists and local governments related to the perspectives and challenges of Private Finance Initiatives.

  • 2016-10-26

    Warbud is just about to start construction of MENNICA LEGACY TOWER. Thanks to that Warsaw skyline will gain a new office tower build by our company. The investors are Golub GetHouse and Mennica Polska S.A.

  • 2016-10-13

    On 11 October 2016 the company signed a construction contract for 'Equator IV' office building in Warsaw. The investor is the company Szamocka Sp. z o.o. The architectural design was prepared by APA Wojciechowski design studio. The facility is a modern building which will be erected in one of the main arteries of Warsaw - Jerozolimskie Avenue - between West Railway Station and the Ochota district. The building will be the fourth office block in the Equator Office Park complex.

  • 2016-09-30

    On 28 September 2015 Warsaw's Marriott Hotel was the venue for an event significant for Polish economy - European Quality Forum 2016. The objective of the Forum is to integrate the business, academic, local government and co-operative business societies. The project was crowned with a special ceremony of the 10th edition of the programme Top Quality International in which awards were given to winners.
    Warbud S.A. gained the recognition of the Jury and received the Laureate title and the Pearl of Quality 2016 award as a confirmation of our company's care to provide top quality services and the implemented quality standards.

  • 2016-09-15

    Warbud, currently holding presidency in the Agreement, hosted a Steering Committee Meeting. During the meeting which was held on September 14, two new construction companies - Karmar and Strabag became members of the Agreement on Construction Safety. Therefore the number of signatories has grown to twelve. Before that the Agreement consisted of Budimex, Erbud, Hochtief Polska, Mostostal Warszawa, Mota-Engil, Polimex-Mostostal, Porr Polska Infrastructure, Skanska, Unibep and Warbud. The objective of the Agreement is to increase safety levels on Polish construction sites and eliminate accidents, especially fatal accidents.

  • 2016-09-09

    A man dies on a Polish construction site once in three days. Each year there are more than 100 fatal accidents. How to prevent them? Ideas, solutions and benefits of a safe working environment were presented by participants of the discussion panel 'Economic and social benefits of occupational safety management in the construction process.'

  • 2016-09-06

    Warbud has signed a contract for the construction of Graffit office building at 28 Domaniewska St. in Warsaw. The contract with the investor, the company Trinket Sp. z o.o., was signed on 2 September 2016. The building, designed by the Polish branch of Rolfe Judd architectural studio from London, will be built in the neighbourhood of Galeria Mokotów Shopping Centre.

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