Warbud News

Media Information


  • 2013-12-18

    The construction site of the Military Medical Institute at Szaserów St. in Warsaw has won 1st prize in the competition "Build Safely 2013". The prize award ceremony took place on December 16.

  • 2013-12-12

    Warbud S.A. has signed a contract for the construction of civil structures for the Local Railway Control Centre Łuków - railway stations Siedlce, Łuków and Międzyrzec Podlaski under the project named 'Modernization of the E20/CE20 Railway Line at the section Siedlce - Terespol, Phase 2'.

  • 2013-11-07

    Warbud has obtained a contract for the completion of the building works on the Catholic University of Lublin Interdisciplinary Research Centre located at 1 Konstantynów St. in Lublin.

    The contract was signed on Warbud's part by Mr Marcin Szczepaniak, Director of the company's Region East. The Client, Catholic University of Lublin, was represented by Vice Rector for Administration and Finance Mr Paweł Smoleń, Ph. D. The contract was signed on 6 November 2013.

  • 2013-10-24

    The company Warbud has for the second time been awarded with the prestigious emblem 'Investor in Human Capital'. It is awarded to companies being leaders in the field of personnel policies.

    A condition to obtain the award is the participation in the nationwide Certification Program run by the Management Observatory Foundation.

  • 2013-10-23

    On 21 October 2013 Warbud SA signed a contract for the construction of civil structures for the Stryków-Tuszyn section of A1 Motorway.

    Warbud's Employer is the company Polimex Mostostal S.A. and the payer is General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways. Under the contract, Warbud acting as a subcontractor will build two viaducts, 259 and 263, which are the largest and most important structures of the whole project.

  • 2013-10-10

    The NoVa Park shopping centre built by Warbud S.A. in Gorzów has been recognized and honoured in the 'Lubuski Mister Budowy 2012' competition as the best new facility in the category of public buildings.

  • 2013-10-03

    Warbud has signed a contract for the construction of a water sports and recreation complex in Koszalin. The contract covers making changes to the design documentation and the completion of Aquapark construction. The Employer is Zarząd Obiektów Sportowych Sp. z o.o. (Sports Facilities Authority Ltd.) in Koszalin.

  • 2013-09-26

    Warbud has obtained a contract for the execution of finishing and fit-out works in PASCAL Office Builiding in Cracow. The Client is the firm GTC Korona S.A. The contract was signed on 30 September 2013. It is worth remembering that Warbud was the general contractor for the core and shell of that building. The works were completed in July 2009.

  • 2013-09-09

    On 9 September 2013 Warbud signed a contract for the construction of Building C for Warsaw Children's Hospital in Kopernika St. The Employer is Warsaw Children's Hospital - Independent Public Health Care Centre.

  • 2013-08-28

    The VINCI Group has again taken the lead among Europe's largest construction companies. Such information is contained in the latest edition of the report "European Powers of Construction" (EPoC 2012) prepared by Deloitte consulting firm. The report was drawn up on the basis of the financial information for the year 2012.

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