
Warbud News


  • 2020-02-03

    Jerzy Werle, Chairman of Warbud’s Management Board, was awarded the Industry Personality Award 2019. The title is awarded to persons related to the infrastructure and construction sectors who have outstanding authority, are recognized outside the industry and defend its interests, are distinguished by achievements, exceptional business efficiency and innovation, and thus contributing to the development of the sector in Poland.

  • 2019-12-31

    Warbud has won a contract for the expansion of pavilion F1 and execution of landscaping works at S. Żeromski Specialist Hospital in Krakow. On December 20, 2019, the contract agreement was signed on the part of our company  by Mr. Damian Kamiński, Deputy Director of Region South and on the part of the Employer: by Mr. Jerzy Friediger, MD, Hospital Director and Mr. Jaromir Grącki, Chief Accountant.

  • 2019-12-19

    Warbud has concluded a contract with the Independent Public Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital in Warsaw. The contract was signed on 18 December 2019 by Warbud’s CEO Mr. Jerzy Werle, CEO and Mr. Wojciech Gerber, Member of the Board, and on the part of the Employer by Professor Jacek P. Szaflik - Hospital Director, Mr. Wojciech Surowiecki - Deputy Director for Organization and Ms. Katarzyna Janiak - Chief Accountant.

  • 2019-12-09

    The safest construction site in the Lubelskie Voivodeship was the site of the Institute of Psychology and the Faculty of Political Science of UMCS University at Głęboka Street in Lublin. The project has been implemented since December 2018 by the team of Region East. This is our third construction site receiving an award this year for high OHS standards and attitudes regarding labour protection on the construction site.

  • 2019-12-05

    A parliamentary committees building in Warsaw received the Grand Prix in the competition "Polish Cement in Architecture". All participants of the construction process were awarded: the author of the design - Bolesław Stelmach with a team composed of Marek Zarzeczny, Rafał Szmigielski, Zbigniew Wypych and Sławomir Kłos from the Stelmach & Partners Architecture Office, the contractor - Warbud SA and the Investor: Chancellery of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.

  • 2019-11-27

    Only nine winners from all over Poland were chosen in the competition entitled "Outstanding Management Systems Representative." One of them was Mr. Witold Lipka-Auguścik, Representative of the President of the Management Board for IMS at Warbud SA. In addition, Mr. Lipka-Auguścik was honoured with an occasional medal 'For merits for quality' issued on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. The award was granted to people who have been promoting the idea of quality in business management for years.

  • 2019-11-27

    Our two construction sites have won awards in the competition 'Build Safely 2019'. Our standards and achievements in ensuring safe working conditions at construction sites have been recognized by District Labour Inspectorates in Szczecin and Bydgoszcz. It is worth adding that the health and safety policy pursued by Warbud aimed at improving the level of safety, is rated very high by PIP every year, invariably for 10 years.

  • 2019-11-07

    The main award in the category "Services - Best Contractor Performer" for the Mennica Legacy Tower project was collected by Mr Wojciech Gerber, Member of Warbud SA’s Management Board during a gala held on November 6, 2019 at the Raffles Europejski Hotel in Warsaw.

  • 2019-10-22

    Warbud has won a new contract.  The project involves the construction of a Transfer Hub in Opole. The contract was concluded on October 18, 2019. On the Investor's side, it was signed by Mr Arkadiusz Wiśniewski, Mayor of Opole, and on behalf of Warbud - by Grzegorz Chudzik, Member of the Board, Director of DBS and Mr Bartłomiej Panek, Director of the Katowice Branch.

  • 2019-10-10

    In the period from September 24 to 27, 2019, Quality Certification Centre organised 15th Conference on 'Standardization, quality and codification in the aspect of integration with NATO and the European Union' - QUALITY - PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS under the honorary patronage of Rector - Commander of the Military Technical Academy, brigade general Tadeusz SZCZUREK, PhD, Eng., professor at Military Technical Academy.

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