Warbud News

Media Information


  • 2017-03-21

    Warbud has obtained a contract for the construction of AFI Park office and commercial building. The contract with AFI Project 1 Sp. z o.o. was signed on March 20, 2017. On Warbud's part the contract was signed by Mr Grzegorz Chudzik, Board Member and Mr Daniel Okoński, Proxy. The Investor was represented in the contract signing ceremony by Mr Sebastian Kmieć, Chairman of AFI Europe Poland and Mr Nir Geva, Board Member. AFI PARK will be built at 29 Listopada St. in Cracow.

  • 2017-03-03

    On March 1, 2017, Warbud signed a contract for thermomodernisation of 5 school buildings in the commune of Wiązowna in Warsaw east suburbs. It is another Warbud's contract to be implemented as a Public-Private Partnership. Warbud was represented by Mr Jerzy Werle, Chairman and Mr Mirosław Józefczuk, Board Member. The Client was represented by Mr Janusz Budny, Commune Head. Warbud will carry out the building works in a  joint-venture with Siemens.

  • 2017-02-21

    Warbud has won a contract for rebuilding of Dąbrowszczaków St. in connection with the construction of a new 910 MW power unit at Jaworzno III power station. The Client is the company Tauron Wytwarzanie S.A.

    The contract was signed on 17 February 2017. Warbud was represented by Mr Piotr Mika, Board Member and Director of the Civil Engineering Division. The Client was represented by its vice-chairmen: Mr Łukasz Brzózka and Mr Adam Kampa.

  • 2017-02-07

    Editors of Nowy Przemysł Economy Magazine and wnp.pl portal have awarded for the seventeenth time honorary titles named 'The one who changes Polish industry'. The distinction is given to firms and persons who have had a positive impact on the changes in Polish industry and the whole economy. On behalf of Warbud SA the prize was collected by Mr Mirosław Józefczuk, Board Member.

  • 2017-01-31

    On 27 January 2017 Warbud signed a contract with Archicom Studio Projekt Sp. z o.o. for design work for a multi-family residential building at Mieszczańska St. in Wroclaw.

  • 2017-01-26

    On January 26, 2017 Warbud S.A. signed a contract for expansion of "REPTY" Health Centre, Gen. Jerzy Ziętek Upper Silesian Rehabilitation Centre in Tarnowskie Góry. On Warbud's part the contract was signed by Mr Jerzy Werle, Chairman, and Mr Lech Wąsowski - Director of the Medical Construction Division. The Client was represented by Mr Krystian Oleszczyk - Director of the Rehabilitation Centre in Tarnowskie Góry.

  • 2016-12-05

    In the last weekend of Noveber Warbud's Chairman Mr Jerzy Werle took part in the conference 'Socially responsible business in the irresponsible world - social responsibility of a construction company'. The guiding idea of the meeting was to emphasize the social impact of the activities of construction companies and to voluntarily implement social and environmental aspects and relations with stakeholders in corporate governance strategies. The conference also covered designing based on BIM and areas connected with innovativeness and competitiveness.

  • 2016-11-23

    Warbud has signed another medical contract in this month - this time the work will be carried out in the capital of Poland. The contract for the modernisation of the Obstetrics and Neonatology Unit in the area of Bródno Hospital in Warsaw was signed on 16 November by Mr Lech Wąsowski, Director of Warbud's Medical Construction Division. Warbud's contract covers the adaptation of the Obstetrics and Neonatology Unit located in Building E of the Hospital to the standards and conditions which are now obligatory for health care facilities.

  • 2016-11-22

    On 19 November 2016 awards were given to winners of the competition named 'Warsaw development project without barriers'. Warbud was honoured for its model approach to the needs of the disabled and for the promotion of universal designing in the construction of the buildings for the Faculties of Applied Linguistics and Modern Languages of Warsaw University. The award was received on behalf of Warbud by Ms Edyta Pazderska, Project Manager in the company's Region Centre division who was responsible for the construction of the building.

  • 2016-11-17

    On November 16, 2016, Mr Lech Wąsowski, director of Warbud's Medical Construction Division signed a contract for the expansion of Prof. Ludwik Bierkowski Independent Health Care Centre of the Ministry of Interior in Poznań. Warbud will build a new, three-storey high wing of the hospital.

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