Warbud News

Media Information


  • 2011-06-29
    Warbud offers for sale apartments in the Royal Residence complex in Warsaw. This is an exclusive residential complex located in Wilanow, at   2 Kostki Potockiego St., in the immediate vicinity of the park and palace in Wilanow.
  • 2011-06-06
    The Company Warbud has signed a contract with Polish National Bank for the alteration of buildings B and F in the area of the emerging Money Center on ul. Świętokrzyska in Warsaw.
  • 2011-06-06
    On 3 June 2011, a contract signing ceremony was held in the Golden Room of the Kazimierzowski Palace in Warsaw. The contract covers phase 1 of construction of a new teaching and research facility of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and Modern Languages at Warsaw University.
  • 2011-06-02
    Warbud received the third prize and a Silver Drill statuette in the fifteenth edition of the "Platinum Drill" contest for the construction of the District Court in Rzeszów. The awards ceremony took place on 31 May 2011 in Warsaw, Warbud was represented by Mr Marcin Szczepaniak, Director of Region East.
  • 2011-05-06
    On 4 May 2011 Warbud signed a contract with Novum Management Sp. z o.o. for the design and construction of diaphragm walls, storey -2 with floor slab over storey -2 and excavation works for a multifamily apartment building on ul. Ceramiczna in Warsaw.
  • 2011-04-29
    Agnieszka Hefczyc of Warbud taking part in an MTB bike race in the series of Powerade Suzuki Marathon won the first prize at the GIGA distance. The Marathon was held on April 16 in Dolsk. Our employees – members of Warbud Team ’Warto Budować' took part in the Marathon with success.
  • 2011-04-28
    Just before Easter we hosted a group of 60 students from the Department of Civil Engineering at INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) in Strasbourg (France), who visited three of Warbud’s construction sites.
  • 2011-04-21
    On 8 April 2011 Warbud signed a contract for the construction of phase 2  of a complex of buildings named Villa Parc on ul. Włodarzewska in Warsaw. The Client is the firm Bouygues Immobilier Polska Sp. z o.o. The complex was designed by F.B.T. Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki from Warsaw.
  • 2011-04-20
    Warbud has obtained a contract for the rebuilding of Capitol Music Theatre in Wroclaw. On April 19, 2011 the contract was signed in the Theatre building. Warbud was represented by Mr Grzegorz Koprowski, Director of the company’s Region South. The Client was represented by Mr Konrad Imiela, the Theatre's Main and Art Director and Ms Danuta Kowalczyk, Chief Accountant.
  • 2011-04-20
    Warbud will build the administration and garage building with a  helicopter landing pad in the area of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw. The contract, which was signed on 20 April 2011, also encompasses the elaboration of design documentation.
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