
Warbud News


  • 2013-04-16

    On April 15 2013 Warbud acting as the general contractor, signed a contract for the construction of shopping and entertainment centre Tarasy Zamkowe in Lublin. The Client is the Austrian real estate investor and developer IMMOFINANZ Group.

  • 2013-02-26

    Warbud won 2nd prize in the competition named "Build Safely" for the extension of the Children's Hospital at ul. Niekłańska in Warsaw. The statuette was awarded to Mr Piotr Tokarz, Site Manager and Mr Lech Wąsowski, Director of the Public Procurement Division. The objective of the competition organized annually by National Labour Inspection is to promote contractors providing safe working conditions.


  • 2012-12-13

    In connection with the statement by the President of the Polish Football Association PZPN regarding the construction of the Association’s headquarters in Warsaw’s district of Wilanów, Warbud SA hereby informs you that it will not comment on that matter.

  • 2012-11-30

    Warbud will carry out fit-out works in Building A2 and install medical and technical equipment in Holy Family Specialist Hospital SPZOZ in Warsaw at no. 25 Madalińskiego St. The contract was signed on November 30, 2012.

  • 2012-11-06

    Warbud has signed a contract for designing and construciton of  two operation and maintenance centres for the S17 expressway. The contract was signed in the name of Warbud by Mr. Jerzy Werle, Vice President of the Board and Mr. Marcin Szczepaniak, Director of the firm's Region East.  The contract was signed on 25 October 2012. The Employer is the General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways, Branch in Lublin.

  • 2012-10-15

    On 7 October 2012 in the Olympic Stadium in Kiev a match was held in which representatives of Polish construction firms, including Warbud, played against the Ukraine.  In the Polish team there were employees of  PERI, Bilfinger Berger Budownictwo, Budimex and Warbud SA, which was represented by Mr. Tomasz Gajewski (attack), Mr. Piotr Gąsiorek (defence), Mr. Grzegorz Pasztaleniec (goalkeeper) and Mr. Marcin Stępień (halfback).

  • 2012-10-04

    During the celebrations of the Builders' Day on 28 September 2012, Warbud empoloyees Ms. Krystyna Widz and Mr. Mariusz Marjański received ministry awards "For Merits to the Construction Industry". Other employees, Mr. Waldemar Piwek, Mr. Jerzy Kowalski, Mr. Ryszard Kostrzewa and Mr. Piotr Faron received 'State Medals for Long-Term Service.'

  • 2012-08-28

    Warbud will build the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Ambassador's Residence at ul. Wiertnicza 30 in Warsaw. The contract was signed on 24 August 2012.

  • 2012-08-22

    On 17 August 2012 the consortium of the companies Warbud (the Leader), Vinci Environnement and Vinci Environnement Polska signed a  contract for modernisation and expansion of the Municipal Waste Management Plant in the locality of Gać near Oława. The Contracting Authority is Zakład Gospodarowania Odpadami Sp. z o.o. Gać 90, 55-200 Oława.

  • 2012-08-17

    At the address a website was launched on August 14 for the Agreement for Safety in the Construction Industry. It is addressed to construction companies, persons professionally dealing with occupational Health and Safety issues, journalists interested in OHS problems as well as all persons who want to extend their knowledge in that field.

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