Warbud has signed a contract with the Inflancka Gynaecology and Obstetrics Hospital for the completion of modernization of Building A of the hospital located at ul. Inflancka 6 in Warsaw. The works will have a high degree of complexity due to the fact that the hospital will operate without any closures.
Warbud in consortium with Eurovia Polska (leader) will build section A of A2 Motorway from Stryków to Konotopa. The contract named “Continuation of designing and execution of building works on the A2 motorway from Stryków to Konotopa along the section from km 365+261.42 (from “Stryków I” interchange without interchange) to km 394+500" was concluded on July 28, 2011.
Warbud has acquired a contract to build, launch and commission an external coal handling system. The coal handling system creates a functional whole within the project of construction of a 50 MW power unit working in combination at CHP Plant owned by Bielsko Biała Power Company.
On 1-3 July 2001 on the lake Niegocin in the Mazury Region, Forsail Business Club Sailing Race was organized. Warbud was represented by Dariusz Kostrzewa - Captain, Jerzy Werle, Małgorzata Durlik, Beata Damięcka and Piotr Kopeć.
On 20 July 2011 Warbud signed a contract for the rebuilding of the flood embankment in Sartowice – Nowe, over the section from km 10+600 to km 16+000 in Dragacz municipality in the poviat of Świecko. The employer is Kujawsko - Pomorski Land Reclamation and Water Facilities Board in Wloclawek.
On 30 June 2011 an awards ceremony was held for the competition 'Building Project of the Year' is organized by the Polish Association of Building Engineers and Technicians (PZIiTB) in co-operation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Main Office of Building Control.
Warbud will convert a warehouse and workshop building for the Rehabiltation Centre of the Ministry of Interior Hospital in Warsaw. The works will cover demolition of the existing building, construction of new reinforced concrete structure, carpentry and joinery works on the facade, roof covering and building water and sewerage connections.
Warbud offers for sale apartments in the Royal Residence complex in Warsaw. This is an exclusive residential complex located in Wilanow, at 2 Kostki Potockiego St., in the immediate vicinity of the park and palace in Wilanow.
The Company Warbud has signed a contract with Polish National Bank for the alteration of buildings B and F in the area of the emerging Money Center on ul. Świętokrzyska in Warsaw.
On 3 June 2011, a contract signing ceremony was held in the Golden Room of the Kazimierzowski Palace in Warsaw. The contract covers phase 1 of construction of a new teaching and research facility of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and Modern Languages at Warsaw University.
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