
Warbud News


  • 2020-11-13

    Warbud has won a tender for the extension of a hospital complex in Wołomin. The contract was concluded on November 10, 2020. On behalf of Warbud, it was signed by Mr. Jerzy Werle, President of the Management Board and Mr. Lech Wąsowski, Director of Public Procurement Division. The Client was represented by Mr. Grzegorz Krynicki, Hospital Director. As part of the development project, Warbud will build two main buildings A and B, an underground tunnel connecting both facilities and a free-standing transformer station.

  • 2020-11-06

    The number of accidents and victims on Polish construction sites has decreased. The report by the Agreement in Construction Safety demonstrated that the number of people injured in accidents on construction sites in Poland has decreased almost by half over the 10 years of the organization's operation, from 8,684 to 4,743. There are four times fewer fatalities per 100,000 people employed in the construction industry today than a decade ago. This is largely due to the activities of the association of the largest construction companies in Poland which works to improve work safety.

  • 2020-10-28

    The 7th edition of the "Safety Week", which took place in the first half of October 2020, has ended. Due to the pandemic, many activities took place online.  The event was officially started by Mr. Jerzy Werle, President of the Management Board, on Norblin Factory construction site in Warsaw.
    Mr. Jerzy Werle pointed out how extremely important it is to care for general safety in accordance with the motto of the Safety Week: I am aware of significant risks. I share my observations. Together, we save people's lives at every stage of the construction process. The team stick together. He emphasized that a construction is a system of connected vessels and the way we work has an impact on our own and other employees' safety.

  • 2020-10-20

    Orange Polska is building a modern data centre - Warsaw Data Hub. The facility is to be ready for use in autumn 2021. This is the result of a contract signed in August this year with the general contractor - Warbud SA.

    Forecasts in the ninth edition of the PMR report published in May 2020 "Data centre market in Poland 2020. Market analysis and development forecasts for 2020-2025” say that the resources of the Polish data centre market will be doubled by 2025.

  • 2020-10-13

    The second wave of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has become a fact and this is why our #Razemdlaszpitali (together for hospitals) campaign continues and does not cease to help those most in need. Thanks to VINCI FoundationVINCI Groups companies operating in Poland received necessary funds for the purchase of six high-class ventilators which will help Polish doctors in the fight for the health and lives of their patients. The delivered devices are covered by a 24-month warranty. Equipment commissioning and training of medical personnel has also been provided.

  • 2020-09-28

    It was a successful debut! We have just completed the 1st edition of the "Environment Week" and VINCI Environment Day - the largest event in Warbud aimed at environmental protection. The idea of this year's campaign is reflected by the motto: "High five for Nature. Spend 5 days for the planet."

    At construction sites, as well as in the company’s Warsaw headquarters and regional offices, despite the difficulties related to maintaining the sanitary regime, we managed to carry out a number of activities to raise our employees’ eco-awareness.

  • 2020-09-04

    Referring to numerous press reports on the failure of ‘Czajka’ Sewage Treatment Plant in Warsaw, we hereby inform you that Warbud was not responsible for the construction of the sewage transmission system under the Vistula River (construction of sewage collectors) in which the failure occurred. The above described scope of work was a separate contract signed in 2010 by a consortium of the following four companies: Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Górniczych ‘Metro’ Sp. z o.o. (consortium leader), Hydrobudowa Polska SA, Hydrobudowa 9 SA and Infra SA. Warbud was not responsible for any part of the construction work on the transmission system supplying sewage to the treatment plant.

  • 2020-09-04

    On Friday, September 4, 2020, a school opening ceremony took place in the new building of Adam Mickiewicz High School in Piastów. The event began with a symbolic ribbon cutting with the participation of the school's management, Piastów town authorities and the general contractor. After the official part, the guests had an opportunity to visit the new school building located at ul. 11 Listopada 2A. The investment was executed as private funding initiative where the public partner is the Town of Piastów and the private partner - the company Warbud.

    The project covered the rebuilding and expansion of the high school building which this year celebrates its 75th anniversary.  Within 16 months, a modern three-story building with a total area of 4.5 thousand square meters was built. It also incorporates a spacious city library, a sports hall, a sports field and a canteen complex. The contract was signed on April 30, 2019 and the facility was put into operation in August 2020.

  • 2020-09-04

    Warbud has received a golden statuette for the construction of the University Hospital in Krakow-Prokocim. The award ceremony was held on September 3, 2020 in Warsaw. It was the 30th jubilee edition of the contest organised by Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians PZIiTB. The jury selected Poland’s best construction projects of the year 2019. The award was collected by: Ms. Lucyna Duszyk, UH infrastructure director - representing the Investor and Mr. Tomasz Blecharski, Director responsible for supervision over the construction of the hospital, and Mr. Łukasz Gombarczyk from Porr. Rafał Pyrzanowski and Rafał Ossowski from Warbud were also present at the gala.

  • 2020-09-01

    Warbud has won a contract for the construction of a Centre for Innovation and Research in Pro-Health and Safe Food in Kraków. The project will be executed in the design and build formula. The investor is Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University in Krakow. The new centre will allow the university to increase its scientific activity and enable more intensive work on solutions which entrepreneurs are interested in using. The contract was concluded on August 31, 2020.  On behalf of Warbud, it was signed by: Mr. Grzegorz Koprowski, Director of Region South and on the part of the Contracting Authority by University Rector Prof. Włodzimierz Sady, PhD, Eng., and Bursar, Mr. Maciej Oleksiak, MA.

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