
Warbud News


  • 2022-06-02

    On a symbolic day, June 1, 2022, which is the International Children's Day, Poland’s largest children’s hospital built by Warbud in Poznań was officially opened. The hospital will be composed of three buildings connected by a glazed connector passage. It is one of the most magnificent children's institutions of that type in Central Europe. It has 354 beds for children and a complex of departments and specialist clinics, as well as a car park with 425 spaces. The hospital provides places not only for young patients, but also for their caregivers. Each room has a place to sleep for a parent, an individual bathroom and a sanitary facility. The construction of that child-friendly facility took over 3 years.

  • 2022-05-30

    Warbud has been awarded a contract for the construction of a promenade along the Obra River in Trzciel including the development of the beach area on the Młyńskie Lake and the construction of an access road to the beachThe investor is the Commune of Trzciel in Lubuskie region. The contract was signed on 25 May 2022.

  • 2022-05-23

    According to what residents of Wrocław say - the Oława Gate is a "hanging building". This is caused by the fact that the 5 floors of the office building are "suspended" over the Malt Passage via structural columns placed on foundation barrettes. The office building at Dominikański Square in Wrocław, which is owned by Tower Inwestycje being part of the PZU Group - is almost finished. The construction work started in February 2020 and its completion is scheduled for autumn this year.

  • 2022-05-17

    We are not indifferent to the war we are witnessing in Ukraine. In a gesture of solidarity with our neighbours from beyond the eastern border, we have initiated many aid activities - both those involving The Warbud Foundation - Warto Pomagać as well as Warbud’s employees. We donated funds to the association Polish Medical Mission. Thanks to our donation, the most necessary medicines, medical supplies, dressings and first aid materials were delivered to Ukraine. Through The Warbud Foundation - Warto Pomagać we provided financial support to Polish Humanitarian Action which, being part of the charity SOS Ukraine, provides help to refugees from Ukraine in the form of packages containing food and hygiene materials and psychological care. Thanks to our financial resources, Ukrainian refugees, in particular children and adolescents with a war trauma, will receive psychological help and support in education and learning the Polish language in the Ukrainian House run by Our Choice Foundation.

  • 2022-04-28

    A fatal accident at work is a tragedy which always raises the question: how did that happen? We must remember accident Victims but also analyse accident causes in detail and draw conclusions from those events. Thanks to that, we will save many lives.

  • 2022-04-21

    In June we will complete the construction of the Podkarpackie Science Centre 'ŁUKASIEWICZ', which we are implementing as a "design and build" project. First visitors will see the exhibitions in December, after the Client has finished installing exhibits.

    The futuristic shape of the centre resembling an orbit makes an extraordinary impression. It is a building with a volume of 40 thousand cubic metres and the total area of 7500 square metres. It is almost 20 m high at its highest point.

  • 2022-04-21

    On April 20, 2022, a TOP Builder awards gala took place at the Olympic Centre in Warsaw. Warbud won in its 14th edition. The award-winning construction projects, services and products - including the Varso Tower completed by Warbud - build top quality urban space.

    At the award ceremony, Warbud and the site crew were represented by Grzegorz Strzelczyk, Mariusz Grzegrzółka, Seweryn Bodus, Paweł Okruch, Tomasz Bąbała and Aneta Kokoszka and Kamila Rodzajewska.

  • 2022-04-11

    Opole city centre. Construction of a facility combining the functions of a long-distance bus station, a transfer hub to city transport and a three-level car park is nearing completion. ‘It is quite a difficult project from the engineering point of view,’ says Jakub Woźniak, Contract Manager at Warbud SA. ‘We have to handle a complicated reinforced concrete structure, a multitude of collisions and remains of the old infrastructure and design discrepancies. We have had quite a few unforeseen challenges along the way. The Transfer Hub was designed as a prefabricated reinforced concrete structure with hollow-core slabs. It supports floors with an epoxy resin coat. It was a real challenge for us to transport and assemble over 60 columns with length of 18 m, over 250 perimeter beams and 1,500 hollow-core slabs.’

  • 2022-03-24

    Warbud is expanding the Hospital of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Wołomin near Warsaw. The works include the construction of the necessary technical infrastructure.

  • 2022-03-16

    Warbud engineers are rebuilding the road bridge over the Warta River in Kostrzyn nad Odrą. First, a temporary crossing is being built, which will be launched opened during the demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge. This is what the construction team is focussing on today.

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