
Warbud News


  • 2022-03-15

    Last week the 13th edition of the conference Polish Infrastructure and Construction 2022 conference was held in Warsaw. This year's topics of four discussion panels included issues related to the construction, railway, transport and infrastructure sectors.

    The debate with the participation of the invited business and public sector experts was extremely interesting. Important issues were discussed such as: development strategies for the construction sector, opportunities and threats including problems both for the construction industry and the entire economy related to the war in Ukraine which causes a number of difficulties such as broken supply chains, staffing problems or financial problems. The speakers conducted a substantive discussion which gave hope that the construction sector, which has always strongly stimulated the economy, will also cope with the current socio-economic challenges.

    Our company among the winners

    The culmination of the conference was the "Diamonds, Infrastructure and Construction" gala, during which industry market leaders received their awards. Warbud was among the winners and received an award in the category Project of the Year - General Construction category for the upgrading of the Norblin Factory. Our company was represented by Mr. Nicolas Dépret, President of the Management Board.

  • 2022-03-09

    Warbud is building a 2.50kilometre section of S17 expressway (two roadways with three lanes each) for GDDKiA. The contract for designing and construction of the expressway between the Zakręt junction (including the junction) and the Lubelska junction (without a junction), which is part of the Warsaw Eastern Bypass, was signed on 22 November 2017. We are now entering the final stage of construction of the S17/DK2 junction, which is the key element of the route.

  • 2022-03-04

    Warbud SA employees and all people around the world are now witnessing the dramatically difficult situation in Ukraine. We have Ukrainian colleagues working with us on most of our construction sites – in Opole, Łódź, Poznań, Krakow, Rzeszow, Warsaw.

  • 2022-02-21

    Public Services Center in Opole will consists of two modern office buildings currently built by Warbud. The job is divided into two tasks as the investment project is being implemented and financed by two separate Contracting Authorities, namely the City of Opole and the Tax Administration Chamber.

  • 2022-01-26

    The last months of the last year were marked by VINCI's move to their new head office named Archipel. The VINCI Group gave a definite shape to the concept of sustainable development by revitalizing an abandoned zone in Nanterre near Paris. A city within the city was created in the aera of 76 ha, and in its center - an office complex with an area of 74,000 sqm for nearly 4,000 VINCI employees. The complex is part of the surrounding urban tissue. It connects, revives and dynamizes the surroundings in a non-invasive way. The VINCI archipelago is a public-private zone in which offices, retail and service premises and public spaces create a synergistic whole.

  • 2022-01-19

    Each of us builds the world by shaping the surrounding reality. Warbud is not an exception. While being a general contractor and creating a space for work, living, study, leisure or medical treatment - we are an important participant in the process of developing cities and regions. Our role as a socially responsible company is sustainable development, which is inextricably linked with the people and communities for whom we are building. We play that role among others through the multidimensional activity of our Foundation, which has been operating since 2008.

  • 2021-12-02

    On November 30, 2021, European Business Forum was held at Vienna House Easy Katowice together with the Final Gala for among others Top Quality International Program. Our company was represented by Mr. Witold Lipka-Auguścik, Representative of President of the Management Board for Integrated Management System.

    Top Quality International is a nationwide project aimed at promoting effective quality management methods in companies and institutions. Its second goal is to identify and distinguish those companies and institutions which represent highest standards guaranteeing clients and consumers that they will receive a top-quality product or service.

  • 2021-11-19

    Warbud has received "Złoty Wiąz (Golden Elm)" distinction from Mayor of the Wiązowna commune. The award is an expression of the highest recognition for entrepreneurs who stand out in their business activities and contribute to the development and promotion of the commune and build its good image. We are very pleased that local government units with which we have been cooperating for years appreciate our efforts in building long-term relationships in business and attitudes promoting corporate social responsibility.

  • 2021-11-17

    On 5 November 2021 Warbud signed a contract for the expansion the existing Ball Packaging Europe production plant in Lublin. The Client is a leading European manufacturer of aluminium cans. On Warbud’s part, the contract was signed by Mr. Grzegorz Chudzik - Member of the Management Board and Mr. Daniel Okoński - Law Director and Proxy, and on the Client’s part by Carey Stafford Causey - President of Ball Beverage Packaging Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) at Ball Corporation and Robert Granosik - Member of the Management Board of Ball Packaging Europe and Director of the Plant in Lublin.

  • 2021-10-19
    On October 18, 2021, the cornerstone was ceremonially laid for new infectious disease wards of the provincial hospital in Szczecin. The event closes the completion of the preliminary works and the start of actual construction works.
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